Player Movement

Player Movement

 This is the first dev diary for my game Flappy Animals, which is about player movement.

 To players, they will be little animals. I was inspired by Flappy Bird, a game developed by Vietnamese video game artist and programmer Dong Nguyen and released in May 2013.


Below is my player picture

I have yet to find the image I like, so I first used the 2D Cricle in GameObject to replace the player's movement. For this checkpoint, I have my player move around the screen. I added a player movement script I wrote for the player and implemented player movement by adding a rigidbody2D (including gravity) to the player. Players cannot choose the character's movement speed, but no settings for different characters will be added in subsequent development. What is shown now is the most basic player movement. The player changes the character's jump height with mouse clicks by using a transform component to set the rigidbody2D's speed to the movement speed selected in the inspector. Players are only allowed to move along a horizontal line but can vary height changes.

Below is a GIF of the player's movement :

Feedback from various tutorial team members included that the way the player moves is consistent with Flappy Bird and not too different. Overall reviews indicate that players are satisfied with the movement of game characters, but it could be more varied.



Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Flappy Bird. [online] Wikipedia. Available at:

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